Career Pathways

St. John’s singular approach to learning prepares students to hone the skills that graduate schools and hiring managers seek, uniquely preparing graduates for diverse careers in an increasingly complicated world. Explore your potential Career Pathways below. 

Career Pathways

Explore Careers

What profession do you hope to enter when you graduate? Maybe you're interested in many? Select ones that interest you below, then explore the support we offer in each: from on-campus studies and career pathways to graduate school preparation and study abroad.

  • Law-Government-Career-Pathway-Thumb.jpg

    Law & Government

    The Law & Government Pathway lays the groundwork for careers as attorneys, judges, legal scholars, politicians, human rights leaders, chief executive officers, and related leadership positions. Combined with Johnnies' study of legal thought across 3,000 years of history, St. John’s may be the best preparation for law school of any college in the country.

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    STEM, Data Science & Sustainability

    The STEM, Data Science & Sustainability Pathway lays the groundwork for careers in environmental science, ecological adaptation, physics, astronomy, biomedical research, genetics, veterinary medicine, digital ethics, machine learning, software development, artificial intelligence, information technology, systems analysis, data science, cybersecurity, web development, game development, and more. Nearly half of the St. John’s program is composed of mathematics and natural sciences.

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    Business, Entrepreneurship & Leadership

    The Business, Entrepreneurship & Leadership Pathway lays the groundwork for careers in social entrepreneurship, management, financial advising, consulting, executive training, and more. Johnnies are fast learners, sharp thinkers, and clear communicators. What’s more, they excel at teamwork and are unafraid of hard work. That’s why they bring a unique and valuable edge to any business.

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    Writing, Arts & Media

    The Writing, Arts & Media Pathways lays the groundwork for careers as writers, journalists, researchers, filmmakers, visual artists, performing artists, digital content developers, marketing executives, public relations directors, and more. St. John's graduates have published over 1,200 books and include multiple Academy Award, Pulitzer, National Book Award, Pushcart Prize, and Emmy nominees.

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    Public Health & Medicine

    The Public Health & Medicine Pathway lays the groundwork for careers as doctors, nurses, epidemiologists, public health educators, environment health specialists, health policy analysts, global health specialists, and more. Johnnies hold prominent positions at leading national institutions of health and medicine.

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    Philosophy, Academia & Education

    The Philosophy, Academia & Education Pathway lays the groundwork for careers as professors, scholars, historians, classicists, educators, librarians, archivists, linguists, museum directors, critics, writers, public intellectuals, and more. St. John’s produces more PhDs per graduate than nearly any other college in the country.

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    Psychology & the Mind

    The Psychology & the Mind Pathway lays the groundwork for careers as psychiatrists, psychologists, cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, therapists, social workers, and more. At St. John's, all students study the development of knowledge, the physical sciences, and metaphysics, resulting in a comprehensive study of the human mind, body, and spirit. 

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    International Relations, Public Policy & Service

    The International Relations, Public Policy & Service Pathway helps students prepare for careers as international lawyers, diplomats, international development specialists, intelligence analysts, nonprofit and NGO workers, environmental analysts, policy analysts, public affairs specialists, researchers, academics, and more. St. John’s graduates include congressmen, governors, prime ministers, and other national and international leaders.

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    Customize Your Own Pathway

    The Customize Your Own Pathway is for Johnnies who don't want to be forced into one professional box, preferring to chart their own path by making unique connections between their studies, chosen internships and research opportunities, study abroad experiences, and graduate school. St. John's serves such students well by providing the most holistic and integrated Program of Study across the humanities, science, and mathematics.

Connect Your Studies to Careers

Curricular Pathways

In classes with the best teaching faculty in the world, Johnnies read and discuss foundational texts that cross departmental boundaries and probe multiple areas of study. Discover how seminar readings, labs, tutorials, and preceptorials provide our students with a strong foundation for any career.

Secure Your St. John’s-Funded Internships

Professional Pathways

Every student at St. John’s is guaranteed a college-funded internship or research fellowship if they work with our career offices. Discover institutions at which we often place our students and where our alumni are currently employed.

Study Abroad & Gain Cross-Cultural Skills

Global Pathways

St. John’s funds and facilitates study-abroad experiences at institutions including Rome Institute for the Liberal Arts, Marchutz School of Art in France, Incheon National University in South Korea, and Boya College of Sun Yat-sen University in China.

  • Rome Italy


    Rome Institute of Liberal Arts

    The Rome Institute of Liberal Arts offers a rare opportunity to explore the art and architecture of Rome in order to articulate fundamental questions across disciplines. Discussion-based classes on philosophy, literature, and history are designed together with excursions led by art historians and classicists throughout Italy’s artistic heritage.

  • Aix-En-Provence France


    Marchutz School of Art

    The Marchutz School of Art in France strengthens students’ awareness of the relationship between perception and artistic expression. The Marchutz program welcomes people at all levels of art experience who want to look deeply into nature, the artistic tradition, and themselves.

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    South Korea

    Incheon National University

    St. John’s special relationship with South Korea offers multiple opportunities for study and research in South Korea. Incheon National University is foremost among them, with its Great Books Center providing study programs, internships, and exchange opportunities between our colleges. Opportunities also exist at Kangwon National University, Hallym University, and Yonsei University.

Leverage Our Graduate Partnerships

Graduate Pathways

Our graduate school partnerships connect Johnnies to multiple career pathways. Discover special fast-track admissions opportunities, discounted tuition, expedited degrees, and more for Johnnies only.

Earn Career-Enhancing Credentials

Credentialing Pathways

Want credentials in areas like data science, generative AI, or digital marketing? Discover special offers for Johnnies through our credentialing partnership with eCornell.


eCornell offers Johnnie discounts and is our preferred credentialing partner.

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